Wednesday, January 8, 2020

War of Words

But Jezebel his wife came to him, and said to him, ‘Why is your spirit so sullen?’ ‘Because I spoke to Naboth…and said…Give me your vineyard…And he answered, ‘I will not give you my vineyard.’  Then Jezebel his wife said to him, ‘I will give you the vineyard of Naboth.’  So it was, when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, that Ahab got up and went down to take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.” 1 Kings 21

What a disturbing story that seems unlikely that it would ever repeat itself.  King Ahab reigned over the entire region and most likely had everything he wanted as he and his wife lived as royalty.  One day he decided that he wanted the neighboring vineyard which was another man’s inheritance from his family.  The king wanted to plant a vegetable garden, so he approached Naboth, the vineyard owner with an offer which was immediately turned down.  Ahab stormed in the door, sent himself to his room and refused to eat.  He was mad, sullen and disappointed.  Jezebel his wife entered the room and inquired as to what was wrong.  He proceeded to tell her, and she immediately began feeding his ego, reminding him that he was king and had all authority over everything.  She assured him that she would take care of everything, and boy did she.  She devised a plan to have Naboth wrongly accused of blasphemy against both the king and God in front of the people.  He was taken outside the city and stoned to death.  She went back to Ahab with a resolution to his problem regardless of the circumstances.  Ahab got up, suddenly got his appetite back and took over the vineyard to plant some lettuce!  What a weird story that we could easily feel has no relativity to our lives.  But then I think of the alternative that might have happened if Ahab had someone in his life that spoke right instead of wrong into his circumstances.  Ahab’s disappointment would have passed, he would probably have found another parcel or land, and Naboth would still have been tending to his vineyard.

“Who we listen to is who we are influenced by and who we are influenced by is who we are placing our trust in.”  Trustworthy, Lysa TerKeurst, Video Session 4.  What a powerful statement that each of us should use as a measuring stick when listening to those around us.  Dilemmas of all kinds will find every one of us.  There will be times that we feel entitled to something only for the door to shut.  There will be times when someone angers us, and we need help processing our feelings.  There will times when we are wounded and have feelings of retaliation.  To whom will we turn?  To whom we will give power to with their words when we are vulnerable?  ‘Whatever words have access to our hearts will affect our actions.’ Video Session 4.  God has placed people around us to help guide us in the right responses when faced with issues.  When we open our hearts to people who are not God-centered we open our circumstances to secondary challenges.  If you do not have someone around you who will speak life and truth into your life, pray for God to raise one up for you.  Most likely, we all know of someone like this in our lives.  We must have the courage to reach out, open our hearts and minds and receive their Godly perspective.

Who has access to your heart?

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