Monday, May 18, 2020

I Spy Light

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above…Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1-2
Each morning my routine is the same when preparing for the day. I come downstairs to make my coffee and eagerly wait to hear the noise of the coffee brewing. I grab my little blanket, air-pods, phone and coffee cup and go outside on the patio. I sing to my worship music, lift my prayers, and begin playing ‘I Spy’ with God. There is this one treetop that stands higher than the others that always captures the first ray of a sunbeam. As I fix my eyes on that treetop with eager anticipation there is some excitement in my heart. I know my excitement stems from seeing the evidence that it is going to be a sunny morning. It doesn’t matter if rain sets in later, for at that moment light has made its grand entrance for the time being. That little treetop speaks volumes to my heart. For some reason the light symbolizes hope for me, and if I am not looking up, I will miss that ‘I spy’ moment. 
Colossians 3:1-2 reminds us that unless we look up and think upwardly towards the things of God we will miss out on the spiritual blessings and comforts. When we look around instead of looking upward, we will fail to spy the things that God wants us to see. There are a million distractions on earth that will keep our eyes off of the light…the hope…the beauty…the blessings. When we begin our day with our hearts on God, we can experience His love and receive His guidance for our lives. Living life with our eyes to the skies and our knees to the ground we receive God’s best in every facet of our journey.

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