Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Heavenly Sprouts

“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, produces many seeds.” John 12: 24
I cannot remember what grade I was in but I do recall it was in my elementary school years. Everyone in the class was given a small seed and plastic container with small holes for drainage. We took a spoon and dug in the provided soil filling our new home to plant a seedling. The teacher told us what we could expect if over the following little while we tended to our project. We were told the exact amount and frequently to water the soil. Several times a day I would sit in front of the container staring at the soil, sometimes imagining that I was seeing a tiny green breakthrough. Finally, one day a beautiful bright green sprout broke through the soil. I cannot tell you how excited I was to know that my little hands had provided the soil, planted the seed and watered the area. I felt such a sense of accomplishment and continued to care for the plant. 
I can’t help but to think about God planting us in His provided circumstances knowing that our faith will eventually sprout new growth. He waters it with details that only He can foresee will be needed. He knows what earthly dirt needs to drain out of our lives. I wonder how many times a day He comes and just sits…patiently watches…looking to find a new sprout. 
We all have spiritual growth in the hands of Jesus and He is neither hurried nor impatient in allowing time for us to produce new sprouts. We are constantly given seeds to plant…resources to help others… time to help those in need…godly wisdom to share with others…encouragement to those who are despaired. When we plant our seeds in God’s kingdom, things begin to multiply…prayers begin to intensify…miracles begin to qualify. Whatever seed you hold, plant it where God leads and watch where God will take it.

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