Monday, June 15, 2020

The Running Father

But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and…kissed him.” Luke 15:20

The heading for this parable told by Jesus and written in the Bible is simply ‘The Parable of the Lost Son.’  This parable has always had such a special place in my heart since I also had a lost child.  For over 8 years I watched and waited for her to return to a place of faith, family and wholeness in health.  I know what it feels like to have delayed answered prayers.  I know how heartbreaking it is as a parent to be unaware of whether your child is still alive.  But this morning, I am blessed to view this parable through the eyes of Middle Easterners.  While we view this story as a story of a lost son, they view this story as the story of a running father.  We tend to place our focus on the negative…what is lost…while they keep their gaze steady on God and what He does for us.  Kristi McLelland, the author of my Bible study Jesus & Women encouraged the reader to shift the focus in our own stories to God rather than our circumstances.

I remember when my father-in-law lived with us with Alzheimer’s, I was depleted, exhausted and had no idea how long that season would be.  I can remember the day when I knelt in the loft and prayed to God that I didn’t think I could do it another day.  He suddenly lifted the thought of Hospice to my mind which gave me the support to walk out the remaining days.  If I had to label a heading to that experience it would have been the story of the broken woman.  But today I will view it through the focus of our middle eastern friends.  The new heading for that season will forever be the story of the Father who gave wisdom generously.  When I think of the story that I had labeled, the years of my secret sin of spending, I’ll now rename that season as the story of the forgiving spirit God gave my husband.  

Changing our focus from our circumstances and failures to God and His faithful provisions keep us grounded in gratitude, humility and triumphant victories throughout all our seasons. 

If any of you lacks…you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."  James 1:5

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