Thursday, July 23, 2020

Consider the Star

God hung the stars in the sky…We cannot understand the great things he does, and to his miracles there is no end…I can’t believe he would listen to me.” Job 9:9-10, 16

I know that my picture today seems a bit underwhelming but when all is considered regarding that little star it is quite overwhelming.  God not only created this little star but He placed it intentionally and precisely in a certain pocket of space.  He knows what surrounds that star and the perfect rotation and movement of every single thing in the atmosphere.  He concerns Himself with every element of creation and commands it’s movement.  He deeply cares and relentlessly loves everything that has flowed from His hands and heart.  As I gazed intently at the star this morning and considered the vast power of God only matched by His love, I remembered this:

Just as He hung that star in a certain place, He chose where we would do life.  Just as love motivated the creation of that star, His love breathed life into you and into me.  His eye is upon all of creation, and He has surrounded us with a galaxy of friends and family who rotate around the days of our lives.  The star doesn’t hang in the sky all alone but on some days I’m sure it seems like it.  

Who is reading this today that feels they are the only star around in a dark sky?  Who needs to understand that the God who created them is the God who protects and surrounds them?  Just as the clouds shroud the other stars, there are times when we cannot see what God is doing.  It doesn’t mean that He is not moving…that He is not creating miracles…that He is not rotating circumstances that must occur before the healing.  

Whatever you are experiencing during this season, consider the star that hangs in the sky and fully know how much more God loves you.  When it feels like nothing is moving in your circumstances you can know that God is orchestrating every detail in creating your victory.

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