Friday, July 17, 2020

Thoughts to Lasso

So we learn to ‘take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ’” 2 Co 10:5 ESV).
I LOVE the beginning of a new Bible Study! I pray about which one I should choose since only the Lord knows the next six weeks of my life. I go the book store when I have time to grab a few studies and I find a quiet chair to sit in. I read through a little of each study to give the Holy Spirit a chance to guide me and nudge me. Nine times out of ten the one I purchase is exactly what I needed in hindsight. But every now and then I open up the first page and within a day I know it’s not going to be what I need. It just happened last week and I made it through two days of it and closed it up, and put it with the rest of my studies completed unfinished. It’s okay if you don’t continue with a resource of meditation if it does not speak to your spirit. With that being said, I am going to LOVE my replacement study, Get Out of Your Head, by Jennie Allen. 
She begins identifying the subconscious warfare from which we are constantly under attack…the space between our ears! We begin with assumptions…I’m not smart enough…I’m not pretty enough…I’m not worthy enough. These assumptions trigger our emotions which can include insecurities, fear, isolation and loneliness. Our emotions, if they go unchecked form beliefs that turn into actions. When I was younger, I assumed that I wasn’t enough…wasn’t important. This assumption produced insecurity and anxiety which formed my belief that I had to please people to have them like me. This belief became a faint drumbeat which fueled my people-pleasing actions where I was taken advantage of most of the time. Actions become habits which shape our days and craft our lives. 
Jennie calls us to a higher pursuit of freedom…freedom in Christ. ‘It is possible to waste our lives if we never learn to take our thoughts captive. Your thoughts produce actions that echo into eternity…Don’t let anyone tell you that your thoughts don’t matter’ p. 15. The first thought you should lasso in each morning are five simple powerful words…God gave you a choice. You get to decide moment by moment what you live for. One little thought could shift all the others and interrupt the chaos reminding you that you belong to the One who controls all things. He defines you by His love and who He knows you to be…His created child who is constantly being transformed and renewed into the image of Christ. We are the first thing on His mind so may we all choose for Him to be the first thing on our mind.

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