Friday, April 16, 2021

Packing our Bags

 Therefore do not worry…For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…do not worry about tomorrow.” Matthew 6:31-34.

Priscilla Shirer, author of Elijah – Faith and Fire gave a great illustration in her video of keeping our eyes on our destination instead of our present situation. She was going on a trip to Australia from Dallas, Texas where it was currently hot as fire because it was summer. Australia was experiencing the coldest part of its winter. So, standing in her flip flops and tank top, she packed her suitcase full of clothes that would sustain her where she was going, not where she was standing. If left to our emotions in our current circumstances, we could be in danger of not having what we need when we arrive at our next set of circumstances.

God never intended on us to stay stuck in one season and miss out on His blessings in a new season. Whether we are stuck in unemployment…grief…sickness or any other devastating situation we must believe in tomorrow. God has given us over 8000 promises throughout His Word so why aren’t we claiming them? One of my favorite promises is Isaiah 43:2 which states, ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you…’ I love this one because He is saying, ‘Don’t stay in the waters but pass through them with Me.’ We must pass through the waters of today to get to shores of our tomorrow. We must pack our bags for a destination of promise and blessings from God instead of our garments of exhaustion and despair.

Don’t allow your current reality to dictate your present actions. Live with tomorrow in mind. Make your choices based on where you are heading. What is laying on your horizon based on the promises of God?’ Priscilla Shirer, Elijah – Faith and Fire, video session 6.

Not one person on the other side of this screen is exempt from the promises of God. We all have the freedom to choose what to pack to carry into our new season. As we zip up our luggage and walk into tomorrow, may it be full of hope, promise, and courage to leave today behind.

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