Monday, April 12, 2021

Walking the Maze

 You comprehend my path and…are acquainted with all my ways…You have hedged me behind and before, and laid your hand upon me…Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139:3-10

This is without a doubt my favorite chapter of the Bible. The danger of familiarity always lurks in the back of my mind when reading my favorite portions of Scripture. I want it to fall fresh every time it falls off my lips since Scripture is alive…active…breathing. This morning as I was reading this aloud the Lord placed a maze into my mind. I couldn’t help but to be grateful a new image fell into my heart while reading on old passage. I couldn’t wait to google images of mazes and loved the one chosen below. The center structure seems like arriving at heaven at the end of the journey. God forms and creates us with love, thought, and purpose. Through our births we enter a maze designed by God just for us, and He places us in families who will walk the maze with us. At some point, our fellow sojourners detour leaving us to walk without them. Some walk the maze ahead of us and enter into that center dwelling at the end of their lives. 

Just like the maze, God hems us in ahead, behind, and within but He never takes His eyes off of us. He sits high above our lives where the view is perfect, and the guidance is essential. Sometimes we are allowed to stay stagnant in one season of our lives, but that doesn’t mean it is without gain. Some of my most mundane seasons have taught me the discipline of being still…seeking God…hushing the noise. I picture God in all His grandness…His enormity…His emerging Presence standing above the maze watching our every move. But I also see Him within the maze walking by my side holding my hand. Some seasons He has had to carry me as I moved within the walls because I was too weak…too sad…too exhausted…too heartbroken.

Where can you go to get away from God? Nowhere. Where can run off from the present and active touch of God? Not one place. Whether you are scared…heartbroken…angry…lonely…abandoned… even there His hand is upon you while His other hand is holding you.

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