Wednesday, April 28, 2021

When Love Builds a Bridge

“Where sin [and death] leaves a canyon, love builds a bridge.” The Bridge, Casting Crowns

When I was around ten years old, Mother and Daddy took me and my sisters to Grandfather Mountain on a vacation. One of the things we did while there was to walk across a bridge overlooking the mountain. The Mile High Swinging Bridge is a highlight of Grandfather Mountain beckoning all to ‘walk it’s planks’ across a deep canyon. The 228-foot suspension bridge spans an 80-foot chasm at more than one mile in elevation. I began my walk across with confidence and excitement until I got half way and stopped. As I hesitantly looked down and gingerly stepped forward, I felt sick to my stomach and became paralyzed with fear. I remember thinking why was I even on that bridge? How do I get here? When would I be on safe footing again? “Why…How…When?” I looked behind me thinking it would give me comfort and confidence but instead it showed me that the walk ahead of me was the same distance behind me. I was stuck in the middle between normalcy and terror. Obviously, as an adult now I know that Mother and Daddy would never have led me into a situation that would have placed me in danger. They knew the bridge was sturdy and would hold up against the weight of those passing on it.

We also have a Bridge that crosses over canyons of grief and sin that can be trusted for times when our hearts are heavy and our journey feels impossible. When Christ laid down His life, the Bridge was erected and is more stable than any other mode of travel. We spend our lives either walking towards the canyon unaware of the challenges up ahead or walking across the canyon praying to God to get us to the other side. Christ’s work on the cross ensured that God would never leave us…that He will walk the bridge with us through our disparaging journeys. The key is to never stop moving with Him…to never take your eyes off of Him…to look up in prayer instead of looking down in fear.

I love the last line of Casting Crowns’ song above. When I heard it, I thought of the bridge on top of the mountain from yesteryear. No matter what I have gone through…a prodigal child… a divorce…sin and shame from secret spending…grief from the death of my loved ones…the Bridge always held. I’m so thankful that Love built the bridge for you and for me and that neither sin nor death can separate us from that Love.

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