Monday, May 17, 2021

A Welcome Friend

“I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth.” John 14:16-17 The Message
I remember when I was a teenager my mother would tell me that whoever I chose to hang out with was who I would become. As much as I hate to admit it, she was right! When we see that our children are developing new friendships with people we don’t know, it can be a little unsettling. There were certainly some teenagers with who my children began hanging out that made me very uncomfortable. I would see poor choices being made by my children when they became friends with those who made poor choices. Also, I am sure that there were instances when my children were influential in their friends’ poor choices. Wouldn’t it be great as a parent if we could choose the ultimate and perfect best friend for them?
That is what God the Father did for us when He not only chose the Holy Spirit to walk with us 24/7, but He made a dwelling place within us. The Holy Spirit is a real person who desires fellowship with us just like God and Jesus. He is an equal one-third of the Godhead…He is perfect…He is whole…He is a personality and not just a function of God. He is as worthy of our time and worship as God the Father and Christ the Son. James 4:5 tells us, ‘The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love.’ (AMP). Despite our best efforts, we can lead our friends astray just like they can lead us astray. But the Spirit is the Spirit of Truth unable to lie to us…unable to guide us into trouble…unwilling to compromise anything that will harm us.

You’re free to be yourself with the Spirit. He knows you inside and out. When you can’t seem to find yourself, He can tell you exactly where you are. He abides in you to strengthen, encourage, and guide. You cannot weary Him or wear out your welcome. He is your best friend.The Holy Spirit, John Bevere, p. 35. 

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