Monday, May 24, 2021

Great Things

 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:3


It’s been 15 years since God put in me the desire to begin Bible studies each and every morning.  This verse is one of the very first verses that I remember reading.  It is neither a long verse nor is it a hard verse to memorize.  But what it is for me is a greatly treasured verse.  It explodes with answers to any of life’s questions when we do one simple thing…call to God.  This verse promises attentiveness to our petitions, assuring us that He has heard every word.  This verse promises revelation for the things we don’t even know to question.  This verse invites fellowship showing that God’s heart is to experience shared discovery of His greatest plan and blessings for our lives.  


There is a beautiful song that I love that says, ‘Your Spirit is a gentleman, standing at my hidden door within, where you wait for me to let you in so You can set me free.’ The Change in Me, Casting Crowns.  The Spirit will never force Himself upon us, but desires an intimate relationship between us. There are so many verses that invite us to call upon the Lord.  Jesus fully understood and embraced this verse of calling to His Father in expectation of God answering Him.  He even gave us words for opening the door and inviting Him in, ‘Our Father who is in Heaven…’


With God’s assurance of responding to us, we must be able to recognize His voice when He does answer.  I can recognize Bruce’s voice in a crowd because we have had constant companionship and communion with each other for 37 years.  I can recognize my children’s voices in a crowd because my ears have become attuned to their voice from their birth. Realizing God’s voice comes to us through different ways.  We learn His voice through the Scriptures that He has given us.  We recognize His voice by watching His movement around us in our circumstances.  We discern His voice in our prayer time through the Spirit’s involvement and power.  In our worship time on Sunday’s the manifestation of God’s voice is in our midst.  


‘The key to knowing God’s voice is not a formula.  It is not a method you can follow.  Knowing God’s voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God…As God speaks and you respond, you will come to the point where you recognize His voice more and more clearly…Relationship is the key to knowing and hearing God’s voice.’ Experiencing God, Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King, p. 67.

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