Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Our Communicator Extradinaire

 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Co 13:14


As I continue my study of the Holy Spirit, I realize how much I do not know about Him.  Scripture exemplifies through interaction upon interaction that those amazing people who went before us in the Bible intimately knew and heard from the Spirit on a regular basis.  They didn’t move ahead of His instruction.  They chose time with Him to help understand the will of God and the mind of Christ.  But the thing that most hit me this morning was that the Spirit must obviously have a personality of His own.  Why would God uniquely make us and yet make the Godhead possess the same personality traits?  God specifically speaks of Himself as a Father, Jesus as a Son, and the Spirit as the communicator.  Each description triggers different emotions in my heart.  In the Greek translation, the word ‘communion’ above means fellowship, companionship, intimacy, and sharing together.  


If my desire is to get to know someone, I must spend time with them to fully understand their likes, dislikes, beliefs, and what makes them who they are.  With ongoing fellowship and constant communication there would be no intimacy.  God has placed purpose within us, with a unique personality in the Spirit to accomplish His will for our lives.  Through His love He longs for us to experience the equal fullness of the Spirit.  It would be like living as a family of 3 but never talking to one of the family members.  Never getting to know that personality would mean a fracture in the family.  


The Spirit among other things prepares us for the things that lay ahead.  He comforts us in our sadness, and strengthens us in our weakness.  Through our companionship with Him, we experience joy, peace, and satisfaction because we know we never walk alone.  He lives in us, through us, and in protection of us.  I am well aware that this book is showing me that there is a greater closeness that I have not entered into with the Spirit.  But He has all the time in the world with me and you since He also is omnipresent.  All we have to do is carve out the time to build intimacy with the best communicator and friend around. 


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