Friday, August 29, 2008

His Presence

“Let us bring the ark of our God back to us, for we did not inquire of it during the reign of Saul” 1 Chronicles 13:3.

While watching television much earlier in life I would become aware of anything inappropriate in my viewing when one of my parents would walk in. Their presence caused me to examine what I was watching differently than when they were not present.

David knew that during Saul’s reign the Ark of the Covenant, God’s presence among His people, had been forgotten and put away. David knew the importance of ruling with God at the center of the nation. He knew the Israel nation would walk, talk and experience a more Godly way of living if God’s presence was with them and they lived out their days with the spiritual and actual Presence of God instead of some intellectual presence.

This is the importance of keeping Christ at the center of our day. His presence puts all of our thoughts, actions and words under examination to see if we are living in a manner worthy of Christ. If he doesn’t stay centered in our day we will feel uncomfortable when His presence does seep into our lives and will only do self-examination when we know He is present.

Father, help me to keep you centered in everything and everyday so that as things arise you will reveal whether they have a place in my life worthy of calling myself Your child. In Your name we serve You! Amen.

1 comment:

Don said...

Father, I thank you for the beginning of my radiation treatments and the hope of minimizing the cancer invading my body. Most of all Father I thank you for your daily presence in my life which give me peace in my heart.

Father I also lift up Kristen and Wayne this day as they await baby Kherington's arrival. May this new addition to their family be blessed with love, joy, and assurance of walking in your presence through the years.