Monday, August 18, 2008

The Kingdom on Earth

While attending church yesterday we sang a song that was basically The Lord's Prayer. One line stood out above all others - ...thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

While reflecting on this line I was blessed by the revelation that we do not have to wait to see God's kingdom. Through the Holy Spirit the kingdom is set up in our hearts, minds and souls. He brings His kingdom to us when we invite Him to run our lives for us. We are able to enjoy the benefits of His kingdom by accepting His will.

We have a certain will for our children whether we are here with them or they are away from us. Proximity doesn't change our will or desires for them but simply forces us to trust that they know what is best for their lives. Our Father however goes with us, behind us and before us. His kingdom travels everywhere we go since He has set up home in our hearts.

Thank you LORD for bringing your temporary kingdom to us until we approach the gates of your eternal kingdom. Amen.

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