Friday, October 10, 2008

Words With Heart

"I will praise your name, O LORD, for it is good. For he has delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes." Psalm 54:6b-7.

This was a psalm that was written when David was once again hiding out from Saul, and the Ziphites had gone to Saul informing him that David was hiding out among them. David had a price on his head and the countrymen wanted to bring that head to Saul for their own fame and gain.

These were not mere words David was lifting to God - they were words with heart. The first of the psalm is David claiming that God would sustain followed by his plea for God to be faithful to destroy wickedness. His heart turns to praising God, belief in deliverance and his spiritual eyes claiming to have seen the victory.

What a wonderful role model God has given us in David. We should strive to pattern our petitions to God based on these words.

Recite who God is - Sustainer - He will sustain us through our darkness
Recite what He says - Judge and Jury - He will destroy wickedness
Lift your praises - Worthy Messiah - He deserves our praises apart from circumstances
Recite the outcome - Ultimate Deliverer and Victor- We will triumph over pain

Thank you dear Father for being all of this and more! Amen!


Don said...

Brenda, I am so excited about your outreach ministry through ELM, particularly with God providing you a partner.

I will call you later.


Don said...

Dear Father, I pray for Brenda and Beth this day as they visit with Dr. Sinclair about getting a new pain management treatment plan.

Thank you Father for Brenda's willingness to be with Beth during these times.

Also Father, thank you for Saturday evening when we spent time with Beth and Paul and Allie. I thank you so much for these times togather

Don said...

Brenda, please take care not to run your body down. I love you so much. I have been praying this day for you and Bruce. God knows our petitions before we even ask.

Praise His Holy Name for what God will be doing for both of you.

Don said...

Brenda, the following verse I gave to Beth is so applicable here on your blog.

"For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods." 1 Cor. 6:20.