Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Simple Words with a Powerful Punch!

"One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving." Psalm 62:11.

We are blessed with the Psalms in the Bible which 72 of David spoke. These simple but powerful words were spoken when David was on the run from his enemies. They speak volumes of David's faith in a time when there was little stability and lots of fear, loneliness and despair. His core beliefs are spoken in these simple words: God is strong and God is loving.

"that you, O God, are strong" - When we are facing "life on the run" trying to escape our circumstances we can take rest in knowing that our God is strong enough to conquer any of our enemies or situations. At any point, he can release us from the strongholds of our lives if we seek His strength instead of our own. He is bigger than our circumstances with a strength and power that only He can possess.

"that you, O Lord, are loving" - No matter what we are facing in life, we can be confident in God's love. As parents we set up a wall of protection to show our children how much we love them. Hopefully, most of our actions are motivated by love and concern. Our Father is so much more and we have complete confidence that everything in our lives, both good and bad, will be anchored in His love.

With these two truths we can rest from our weariness, loneliness and fears.

Remember these two things: God is strong and God is loving!

1 comment:

Don said...

Dear Lord, please give and her medical team confidence this day as she begins new treatment plans. Also please allow the nerve blocks to not be painful for Beth.

Just secure Beth in Your protection, and allow her knowledge of an all powerful God leading the way today.

Brenda, I cannot over emphasize how much we appreciate your love, thoughtfulness, and caring for your sister.

Please know that we love you so very very much