Monday, September 29, 2008

Him Who Is, Who Was & Who is to Come!

"The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." 1 Samuel 17:37.

This verse is so important to me this morning. My dear sister is in the battle of her life and is facing a Goliath of enormous strength.

When David told Saul that he was going to slay this giant, Saul told him that he was a mere boy and wasn't strong enough. All circumstances pointed to the belief that David could and would not prevail against this force. David began stating times in his life when his LORD gave him victory against other forces greater than him as a testimony of faith that his LORD would also be with him in battle. This is the cornerstone of a Christian's faith. What did we learn last time around and did it place a brick of faith in our foundation that we are building as Christians?

When my daughter was in the depths of her drug addiction I was in the valley for 8 years and what a dark valley we were traveling. That was my first big valley and I really didn't have much to pull from as far as "deliverence from the pit." What a blessing that valley was, however dark is might have been, for now I live a 1 Samuel 17:37 kind of life where I can take comfort and encouragement by stating the times our Savior delivered me and claiming future victory of deliverance based on past faithfulness.

Praise God for adversity for it helps us gain hope for the future!

"Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come." Rev. 1:4


Don said...

Love your new design for ELM. It took me awhile to figure out how to get to this page so I can leave a comment.

Beth was in a world of hurt yesterday. I noticed on the Caring Bridge website today that Beth posted, the pain had let up just a little.

Benita Miller said...

Brenda, thank you so very very much in your care and protection of Beth. You really go above and beyond. I know Beth recognize this and appreciates it.

Hon, I worry about you though, and the many different people you serve. please, please take good care of yourself.