Friday, September 12, 2008

The Proper Time

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9.

This verse has been an anchor for me over the past 5-6 months. When my dad's cancer returned and my sister was diagnosed with her cancer God breathed these words into my heart as a way to remind me that everything is temporary.

My immediate family is centered in many illnesses. My father-in-law has progressed in his Alzheimers, my mother-in-law is showing signs of decline, my dad's cancer has metasticized and my sister's cancer seemed to remain unchanged from her 4 months of chemo. This has been a challenging half of year but my Father continues to show Himself as Savior as He saves me daily from despair, fear and hopeless thoughts. He raises me up through His uplifting words and know which words I need to combat certain emotions.

Yesterday was the proper time in the life of our family. While my dad has begun to feel better from his radiation my sister has been approved as a candidate for liver surgery - a procedure that was previously deemed as too dangerous for her to receive. We are praising God this morning for enabling us to not give up but to recognize that at His proper time we will reap the harvest for which we have been passionately praying.

Never give up hope in a hopeless situation and always see your trials as temporary. Remember, despair turns the temporary into permanent but hope remembers what is eternal.

1 comment:

Don said...

Didn't sleep much last night; just praising and thanking God for His wonderful provisions on behalf of Beth.