Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm a W O M A N! (Peggy Lee)

“My daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.” Ruth 3:11

When I was a little girl one of my favorite commercials was the woman who breezed through the door singing in a suit and high heels and began making dinner. Her song was not only her public declaration about all she could do, but it was her idea of what made her a W..O..M..A..N! (I’m A Woman – Peggy Lee) Somehow I don’t see Ruth bursting into song naming the reasons Boaz should consider her as his W..O..M..A..N!

Proverbs 31 tells us God’s view of what makes us a woman. The entire chapter begins with the subject of finding a woman with noble character, being the number one goal. The chapter goes on with what seems like a song itself listing the qualities for which we are to possess. This list is not to be a measuring stick for one woman because none of us would measure up to this perfect woman. It is a description of the different ways a Proverbs 31 woman shows her character. From the woman whose service is singing Jesus Loves Me to a group of children to a Christian artist who sings before an audience of 1000. It is a woman who is known by her character, not her beauty. It is woman who places the needs of others before the needs of herself. It is neither a woman who lists the deeds for which she performs, nor is it a woman who climbs over others for notoriety, fame or power. She is a quiet woman, one who pursues God first and foremost.

Notice that Boaz conveys to Ruth that her notoriety is one defined by her character. She is known by all because of her extravagant kindness to ‘one of theirs.’ (Naomi) Her act of surrender to her other life, and her sacrifice to care for Naomi was her song. Her actions wrote the beautiful melody of her life and the chorus would be her blessings.

Our legacy will be the manner in which we live our life. What will our song sound like? How will our fellow townsmen describe us? Hopefully we will be described as ‘one of noble character’ transforming every other attributes of our character into beauty and service for God.

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