Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To the Lord, From Your Child

“Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.” Isaiah 58: 9

I have just experienced Isaiah 58:9 and I must tell someone. My youngest daughter has been dealing for some time with intense fears regarding her safety that forever seems to hold her captive. It has become quite a paralyzing experience for a twenty year old away at college living in an apartment. Her fear has overcome her remembrance of a God who protects and saves. Like most of us, her faith has become diluted by her fear.

She has become committed to delving into the things her heart would rather not expose to her conscious mind. She has been through a great deal of loss as she lost her boyfriend in an accident two years ago, followed by the death of her beloved aunt, her precious Pawpaw and most recently her sweet Grandpa who lived with us. All of these losses in two years makes for great insecurity on many levels. She made the comment that night that she has lost sight of God and needs that intimacy again to be reminded that He is here. Needless to say the family has been praying for her fears to be removed and her faith to be restored.

This morning, while searching for a document in our fire safe, I came across a colorful piece of paper written in magic marker from Caroline when she was a little girl. It wasn’t in any file and was actually out of place – just crammed between two files. Be blessed and encouraged as the God of each of us and the God of the universe answered our prayers in a manner that no one can deny. The little orange sunflower sheet written in green magic marker reads:

“The Lord is with me. I know Becaus I read the Bible. So I Learn about Jesues and god and a lot of other caring people. The Holy BiBle is my Faverot Book. I know that god and Jesues are looking down on me. I will Be safe. god is my Father. All the littal children are My bothers and sisters. I will Help and care for the world. I will Help other Helpless littal children. I will pray every Night. Love, Caroline. To, the Lord.”

Her Father is reaching out that sweet and saving hand, saying ‘HERE I AM!’ He is doing the same for you - just reach out and know...that He is Lord, your Father and Savior.

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