Saturday, May 28, 2011

By Faith

“We walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Cor. 5:7

One simple sentence but the most difficult principle in our Christian walk. Why is it that our sight screams louder than our faith? The irony is that we become spiritually blind through our worldly sight. There are four reasons that we live by sight creating a barrier for our faith.

The first reason is that we have a reference point of living by sight. Before we decided to turn our hearts to Jesus and live by faith we lived by sight. We naturally default to the flesh making our desire to walk by faith something in which we must make intentional efforts.

The second reason is that we identify certain people whom we deem successful. We try to imitate those people whom we have cited as our role models instead of being led by the Holy Spirit by faith.

The third reason is that our formal education has taught us that the ‘proof is in the pudding.’ Instead of accepting something by faith without it making earthly sense we analyze and calculate without God. Faith is not something that God has to prove – it is something that you prove to God.

The fourth reason is that we have by sight accepted and embraced many of the world’s standards and preferences. Since we are so inundated with the living practices of the world we fit right in instead of living a life set apart.

These words were written and exhorted by Paul to the Corinthians who required repetitiveness and reminders in this Christian principle. Nothing has changed over thousands of years. We need to continuously remind ourselves and each other that we are all going to walk through this life but our hearts and minds will determine the manner in which our feet will walk.

Will we walk by faith or run by sight?

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