Friday, June 17, 2011

Fear Factor

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Tim. 1:6-7.

An enormous obstacle in the life of a Christian is fear in any form. Fear disorients, distracts and diminishes when it is allowed power in our lives. We give fear the license to shipwreck our faith. All fear is given power first in our minds then in our actions.

Fear was never meant to be in the mind and heart of Christians. ‘Fear not…Be strong …Do not be afraid...Stand firm…’ are exhortations that are echoed over and over again throughout the Bible. Fear in any form indicates a lack of trust in God, and infers that God is incapable of providing in certain areas in our lives. When Jesus was on earth He faced fearful situations that far exceed anything we will ever face, but His focus was to ‘be about the work of His Father.’ He came with the mind and heart of a man but lived His life with the attitude, work ethic and courage of a servant. He never allowed fear to master over Him although He walked daily in the shadow of the cross. His focus was on what He could accomplish through God instead of what He feared would or would not happen.

In developing our mind to be more like Christ we cannot allow fear in any form to power our thinking and our walk.

Fear dominates...Faith liberates!

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