Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Me & Mine

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” 1 Co. 14:33. “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” 1 Co. 14:40.

There is nothing more frustrating than being moved along in public in a disorderly crowd. It dizzies my mind and makes me physically uncomfortable.

Spiritual disorderly thinking also distracts and disorients my mind from the mind of Christ. Disorderly thinking keeps us from developing into the mind in which God intends to transform us. In doing an exercise this morning in my Bible Study I am left feeling ‘less than lovely’. In an effort to show contradictions in my mind when it comes to my desires matching God’s I made an honest list of my desires as they came to mind. I am embarrassed and saddened to say that the first one that came to mind had nothing to do with anything spiritual. It had more to do with the validation and approval of man. (This revelation was made known through mediation and prayer on my list)

From a list of six, I determined that four of my desires matched God’s but there were two desires that contradicted the other four. This is the disorderly thinking that wages against our minds. ‘For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every evil practice.’ James 3:16. ‘Don’t they come from your desires that wage within you?’ James 4:1.

Matthew 6:33 spells out the orderly way in which we are to think, act and live our lives. ‘Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.’ When all of the desires on our list match up to the ‘seek first Him and His’ test instead of the ‘serve me and mine’ test, we will be able to align with the mind of Christ and do extraordinary things for an extraordinary God!

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