Thursday, May 10, 2012

Could Not He...?

“But some of them said, ‘Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?’”  John 11:37

I remember a few Sundays after my sister died of cancer I was sitting in church preparing for the worship service.  I was trying to get my spirit positioned to praise God although my heart was broken.  On the video monitor was a story of a woman who had all but been given a death sentence, due to the extreme levels of cancer throughout her body.  The doctors had decided to do one last series of testing the morning of her surgery, only to discover that her cancer was no longer there.  The impact of the story was supposed to be a celebration of God’s great miracles, but instead tears found a resting place on my cheeks. 

I never formed the words on my lips but in my spirit I asked the same question the mourners of Lazarus’ time asked each other.  He could have, so why didn’t He?  He has so many times before, but why not this time?  As soon as my spirit formed these thoughts, I felt the tender impression of God say, ‘I healed your daughter’s illness of addiction in the earthly realm, and you have her.  Now I have chosen to heal your sister’s illness in the spiritual realm so she can be with Me.’ I did not feel any judgment on God’s part for my question, but simply love from a Father who understands our pain. 

God promises our complete healing, but doesn’t promise it will be in the manner we desire.  Our faith tells us He can, and our hearts hope that He does.  In every session of Griefshare I see those with a faith that knows He could have…but a heart that sees He didn’t.  The challenge is to realign our sight with a spiritual focus so that we can see the reality of answered prayers. 

Whether you have experienced an actual death of a loved one, or grieving an unmet expectation or a dashed dream, please know this morning that God keeps His promises of healing, liberating and delivering.  When we surrender our own agenda and lean into His love, His purposes and His healing of heart, He will eventually turn our questions into our testimonies.

Our faith will voice the statement, “He who has is He who will!”

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