Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Waiting - A Two Way Street

“…and the older will serve the younger. Jacob replied, ‘First sell me your birthright.’...So Esau despised his birthright” Genesis 25:23, 31, 34.

The scene was haunting in retrospect. Rebekah was pregnant with two babies, who were jostling and kicking her with such a force she questioned God as to what was happening. God clearly told her that the two babies would lead separate nations and that one would be stronger than the other. He wen...t on to explain that the older would serve the younger. She was privy to God’s will for her babies’ lives. It seemed from day one that Jacob, the twin born last, was her favorite. She made no bones about it and most certainly turned a blind eye to many manipulative dealings between Jacob and his older twin, Esau. I wonder if she had whispered quietly in Jacob’s ear God’s prophesy over his life. I wonder if they exchanged secret glances with secret meetings setting up trickery. After all, Jacob’s name means deceiver. Jacob started off for sure as a fraud and scoundrel who tricked his older brother into giving him his birthright. Why did Jacob feel that he had to manipulate and rush God’s plan for his future? God had already proclaimed that Jacob would lead in strength and power. But that wasn’t enough for Jacob and Rebekah. They took matters into their own hands to fulfill God’s plan…and boy did they pay the price. Jacob had to run for his life after he also manipulated his dying dad’s blessing. Rebekah was separated from her son for over 20 years. God’s plan pushed to the side…lost blessings along the way that God intended to give them.

How many times do we fully understand that God is doing something great in our lives but we take over at the helm? We elbow Him out and guide our own ships with our knowledge and timing. One day we realize our manipulation and calculation into God’s plan was our downfall. The very thing that was meant for blessing becomes our disaster. We never even saw the rocks as we guided the ship right into them.

When God gives us a vision we must understand that it is in part…part of it is revealed now and part of it will be revealed in His timing. We must accept that the success of God’s plan is the unfolding of His plan in His perfect orchestration of details. We cannot be like Jacob who rushed God’s plan but must be surrendered to Him. We cannot fathom God’s ways and must wait on Him for the blessings. Why is it that we can’t wait on God for very long? He waits on us continuously…waits on our fellowship…waits on our confessed sins…waits on our loyalty to Him.

‘Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him’ Isaiah 30:18.

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