Thursday, September 7, 2017

Folly's Fruit

The woman Folly is loud; she is seductive and knows nothing.  She sits at the door of her house; she takes a seat…calling to those who pass by… ‘Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!’” Proverbs 9:13-15

I know a woman named Folly who has hung around for many seasons in my life.  She is not worthy of this blog but is introduced only for self-awareness and then dismissal.  You see, Folly is a woman without a home or country.  Folly makes her home based on invitation.  She is a temptress…a user…a poser…looks to her own interests.  She is a wandering homeless disloyal companion.  She deceitfully lures us into her promises.  She has promised me that I would feel better if I just had this purchase or that purchase.  She convinced me over and over that I had the right to hold on to my resentment.  She guaranteed that Bruce would never find out about my secret debt.  She encouraged me to take credit for things that God had accomplished.  She has called out to me so many times, and I have given her a place to stay in the past.  She is my best friend as long as I am doing things her way.  Folly offers us a bite of the beautiful apple, only to poison us with it.  Simply put, “Folly fights for ‘the now’ and cares nothing about consequences.” Steadfast Love, Lauren Chandler, p. 102.

Folly isn’t around when the marriage is in shambles from destructive decisions.  Folly is silent when the recovered addict relapses.  She disappears before the credit card comes in.  While she fought relentlessly for ‘our now’ we now fight relentlessly for ‘our later.’  We are duped over and over again. 

But God has breathed a better way to live.  He offers the beautiful life of Wisdom.  She builds her own life based on His plan, not hers.  She understands the importance of sharing spiritual wisdom with those who seek her.  She offers purity, peace, gentleness, mercy and unwavering resolve to God’s truths.  Wisdom shares her beautiful fruit with those who have invited her in.  She doesn’t fight us but fights for us.  She is given to us from God as a gift when we ask to receive it.  When we turn abandon Folly and follow Wisdom our lives will be more aligned with the life we were created to live.

Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.  The beginning of wisdom is this:  Get wisdom.  Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:6-7.

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