Tuesday, March 13, 2018

As Angels Move

“And he dreamed:  A stairway was set on the ground with its top reaching the sky, and God’s angels were ascending and descending on it.  The LORD was standing there beside him…‘Look, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.  I will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.’” Ge 28:12, 15

Jacob was on a 500-mile journey heading towards his uncle Laban’s house to allow his brother’s anger to subside.  He had deceived his father and betrayed his brother by pretending to be Esau and received the blessing of inheritance and birthright.  Not his shining moment for sure but encouraged by his deceptive mother he hit the road.  No doubt he was exhausted and lonely wondering what his future held.  Was he remorseful and fearful of never returning home?    At some point he gave in to his exhaustion and fell asleep.  That was when the dream occured, and it is one of most beautiful images we are left with in the Bible.  Throughout the Word, it is written many times that God sent angels to help His children.  He sent an angel to Mary to tell her she would carry the Son of God.  He sent an angel to wrestle with Jacob to show that God could be trusted.  He even sent an angel to strengthen Jesus the night before His death, when His prayer to God was met with silence.  What I find interesting is that through this dream God gave Jacob a glimpse of a future promise fulfilled instead of the actual fulfillment.  God knew that Jacob wasn’t ready to receive in full what God had planned for him.

I know what it feels like to be given a promise from God as a future fulfillment.  I have seen a glimpse of a beautiful promise which I will one day receive.  I know that until that day I have my own ladder where angels move bringing down their encouragement and comfort, while carrying away my doubts and anxieties.  They move in and out of our circumstances, carrying out the commands of our Father who wants good and precious things for His children.  The Bible tells us that angels are His servants, carrying out His will, working for our good and are ministering spirits, sent to serve us when we are believers (He 1:14).

I wonder what situation you are experiencing this morning that has you anxious or discouraged?  What circumstances need the movement of angels to assist you, protect you and encourage you?  Whenever we feel alone or despaired we must remember that angels are all around moving on our behalf at the insistence of our Father.  There are ladders all around us with the armies of angels going before us and ministering to us.  And maybe if we lean our ears into the movement of God, we might even hear the flapping of their wings.

“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up.” Psalm 91:11-12

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