Tuesday, December 4, 2018

In the Midst of Our Gardens

And the LORD God commanded…saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of...knowledge you shall not eat…’ ‘Then the serpent said to the woman, ‘…God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God…’ Then the LORD called… ‘Where are you?’” Ge 2:16-17, Ge 3:5, 9

God in His ultimate love created a garden for Adam and Eve for them to experience His best. We are told in Genesis that every tree was fashioned by God’s hands and was both pleasing to the sight and good for food. The only caveat was to not ingest anything from one tree…the tree that would provide knowledge. His motivation wasn’t to restrict, but rather to convince them there was freedom in every other tree. But it didn’t take long for the snake to crawl into their midst with temptation on his mind. Like he does with us in our lives, he convinced Eve that God was holding out on them. He convinced Eve that what was forbidden was really freedom instead of the other way around. As Eve reached for the forbidden fruit, she reached for her own knowledge wanting to be like God...thinking she could play God in her own story.

How many of us have been guilty of reaching for that fruit of control? We think we ‘know’ what to do in any given circumstance. We think we ‘know’ what is best for our loved ones. And then we push our will against the will of God, grabbing our savior cape because we ‘know’ best. God has a perfect plan for each of us in every circumstance and He knows that forbidden tree of knowledge (our will) will frustrate His will if pursued. He provided 100% of Adam and Eve’s needs with every other tree in the garden but gave them caution regarding one. We are all guilty of reaching for the fruit trying to grab control of a situation. When we hit a wall that rubs against God’s will we find ourselves lost in our circumstances with no way out. But God comes along in His great love for us and says, ‘Where are you? Are you trusting in my wisdom or your wants? Are you doubting when I’ve given you promises? Are you carrying a yoke that you are not meant to carry? Are you reaching for the fruit of your knowledge…your way…your plans?’

Control is the hardest thing to give up and surrender to God is greatest relief to us and offering to Him. When we remove our savior cape and allow God to save, we access His peace in chaotic situations, His wisdom in how things should be done and His rest from it all. We find ourselves back in the garden where God reigns and rules for the good of His children.

We must take our eyes off the tree of knowledge in the midst of our gardens...our knowledge... and believe God for His wisdom, timing and plan.

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