Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Missing Girl

“Once upon a time there was a little girl who everyone loved, and everyone desired to be with her. She was full of life, peace and optimism. No matter what age a person was they wanted to be around her. She could enter a room and no matter what a person was going through she had the ability to take their mind off their suffering and give them some relief.

One day the little girl didn’t come around and at first it wasn’t noticeable. But after a while the people noticed a heavy cloud had moved in, and things seemed more bleak. They noticed that things seemed more chaotic than usual, and that they couldn’t get their mind off their problems. Things kept deteriorating to the point of despair and then it dawned on them…the little girl had quit coming around. They wondered if it was their fault that she was gone? Had something horrible happened to her? Instead of searching for her they just stayed in their sadness wishing she was there but never really searched for her.

The truth was the little girl had not strayed away or left them. Someone had locked her out making it impossible to enter their home. She was the same joyful and peaceful little girl of light, but it wasn’t her choice to be locked out. She waited…and she waited patiently…and she continued to wait close by. Certainly, someone would eventually come looking for her and she could once again join them in their home. It was up to them whether she would be invited back into their lives. Oh, I forgot to tell you her name…her name was Hope.”

Many people we know are wondering why she left them. So much heartache and sadness within the heart of so many people, especially this time of year. But Hope still lives…she still wants to be invited into your heart and into my heart no matter what our circumstances. She is close by, but we must unlock the door to allow her entrance. Hope is still that little spirit that can lift our spirit up when life has knocked us down. Hope still has the gift to show us the little blessings when we are experiencing brutal big things in this temporal world. Hope is transformational no matter the suffering because she is the fruit of God’s spirit which is inexhaustible and supernatural.

We must all realize that when we search for Hope we will find more than Hope…we will find God.

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