Monday, June 10, 2019

Avoiding the Sting

If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.” Luke 6:29

Some of the most highly charged scenes on television are those when we watch tensions rise between two people. We can see it in their eyes, we can hear it in their words, we can feel it in our own emotions, and we are sure of a breaking point in our expectations. And suddenly someone slaps another across the face, and even in our expectations our eyes widen, and our mouths drop. Most of us have probably never been slapped across the face but I can imagine that it comes with shock and quite a sting. So, the commands of Jesus regarding a slap seems to be an unattainable response. At this point in our lives, I feel sure that most of us will never experience a slap or slap another.

Or will we? Doesn’t it produce the same sting when we bring up an old wound to a person who has already apologized? Doesn’t it produce the same sting when a friend or family member talks bad about us when we have done nothing but love them? Jesus received ‘slaps’ on a daily basis as so many people lied about Him, ridiculed Him, betrayed Him and constantly accused Him of untrue things. We read about the many times Jesus could have slapped back or should have slapped back but His response was always a higher focus response… Love enemies…do good to the hateful…bless those who curse us…pray for those who mistreat us…turn the cheek when slapped. Jesus knew that we could not do these things apart from God, but the call and command still remains. The command is attainable but only when we submit every part of our heart to God. Romans 5:5 tells us that God has poured His love into our hearts through His spirit. If we are responding to those who ‘slap our cheek’ from the love of God we will display the fruit of that love which is ‘joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.’ Gal 5:22-23. We can leave the crime, the judgment and the punishment up to the Lord as Deuteronomy 32:35 states, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay.’ We can count on His word, His will and His way which frees us up to respond with the Spirit’s fruit.

The same is true when we love our enemies. Our actions are on display. People are watching. Do we want them to see fleshly, selfish behavior, or do we want them to see Jesus? How is the world to know God’s love if we do not reflect it ourselves? Ask the Holy Spirit for strength to love them. Ask for God’s favor over their lives. And wait expectantly for Jesus to renew your Spirit as you walk closely with Him in loving the world.’ Determined, Heather M Dixon, p. 72.

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