Monday, June 17, 2019

Troubling the Teacher

Do not trouble the Teacher.” Luke 8:49b

I’ve read this story many times of how Jesus was on His way to the home of Jairus whose 12-year-old daughter was dying. Jesus felt power leave His body and He stopped to identify the person who had touched Him. We don’t know how long this delay occurred, but we do know that Jairus was leading Jesus to His dying daughter. I imagine that Jairus was in the biggest hurry of his life and expected Jesus to also be…she was dying for heaven’s sake! But instead of Jesus rushing to the little girl, He stopped…scanned the horizon…wanted answers. If I were the parent, I would feel irritated…scared… impatient. I would remind Jesus of my dilemma and my fear. But then something interesting happened in the crowd as Jesus was standing still. Someone rushed up to Jairus and gave him the heartbreaking news… ‘Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher.’ I’ve never noticed this 5 word suggestion from the story… ‘Do not trouble the Teacher.’

I know there have been times in my life when I have called on Jesus to intervene…to show up… to save. Years passed without the intervention of Jesus, and my prayers began to have that same drumbeat that our verse has this morning. What the man was saying in essence was it was too late… there was nothing Jesus could do…why bother asking Him. I know that it is easy for the heart to beat the sentiment…why pray when we don’t see deliverance? There are more deaths than the death of a physical body. There are deaths of relationships…deaths of jobs…deaths of marriages…deaths of dreams. ‘Is there something in your life about which you have decided to simply not bother Jesus with anymore? His timing might not make sense to you right now, but Jesus has not forgotten your plea for help.’ Determined, Heather Dixon, p. 97. Whatever you are feeling in your heart this morning Jesus knows the plan. Whatever heartbreak accompanies your walk, Jesus knows the way. Whatever prayer you refrain from lifting out of exhaustion, Jesus knows your heart. All He asks is for us to arise! ‘Little girl, arise.’ Luke 8:54 b. Arise out our unbelief…arise out of fear…arise out of anger…arise out of circumstances…He is right in the midst of everything and is with us always. When we see inactivity…Jesus is active. When we see chaos…Jesus is order. When we see darkness…Jesus is Light…where we see physical death Jesus sees victorious eternal life!
When we are tempted to not trouble the Teacher, we must raise our hand and continue to ask for everything we need. We must remember that He is the only One who has the power to heal and to save, both on earth and in heaven.

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