Thursday, June 6, 2019

Making Us Laugh

Then He lifted up His eyes…and said, ‘Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh.’” Luke 6:21b

Bruce and I enjoyed our 34th wedding anniversary this past week and as I considered the things that I most love about him laughter was one of the top things. There have been many tears, but the laughter has by far been our greatest weapon. He can always make me laugh even when I don’t want to…even when I’m mad…even when I’m sad…even when I’m scared. Laughter is a joy that transforms most hearts.

I have read this verse many times before and it wasn’t until this morning that I truly understood the meaning thanks to a commentary. I have always thought that this little statement was Jesus encouraging us that our sorrowful seasons will one day end. Our sorrowful seasons would one day be replaced with healing and we would laugh again. But that is not what Jesus was saying at all. The word ‘laugh’ was a symbol for spiritual joy – joy while we are weeping, and our heart is breaking. The meaning of laugh as it relates in Scripture is the inner fruit of the comfort and consolation of the Holy Spirit and being filled with spiritual joy and pleasure. This promise that Jesus gave is more of a treasure than a trinket. It is a blessing that moves us from despair to hope…death to life…sadness to comfort in the middle of our suffering.

Many of you are weeping today with a broken heart for a loved one, a lost relationship, a prodigal child and many more things that lay heavy on your heart. We say our prayers and ‘then He lifts up His eyes’ and begins speaking promise to us. According to Scripture…He sees us. He knows when our heart is heavy… when our spirit is broken…when our mind is obsessing. He meets us in our weeping and promises to bless us with His comfort. Blessedness comes from God alone, not from a favorable set of circumstances. Blessedness is not something that comes after the fact but comes during the challenge when we open our hearts to Jesus.

Whatever you are facing today you don’t have to wait until the pain is gone to laugh. God’s promise is that the blessing comes in the now…not the later. And that is what makes this one of the greatest treasures Christians possess. May we all lift our eyes to the One who can always make us laugh.

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