Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Stacking our Stones

What do these stones mean to you?” Joshua 4:6

One of the most asked questions of my parents when I was a child was ‘Why do we have to go to church again?’ If the doors of the church were unlocked, we were going to be there. You see, my parents fully understood at that point in their lives that the ‘stones’ meant depending on God. Just like the Israelite’s erecting memorial stones after they crossed the Jordan, my parents lived their lives displaying testimony after testimony of God’s faithfulness. We were constantly reminded of the things that God had seen them through. As we became adults, we continued to watch them trust God for the challenging and fearful times. They showed us through their actions and their faith what the ‘stones’ meant to them. In turn, I pray that the memorial stones of my heart show the love and devotion I have for a Father who has never turned away. I pray my life displays the gratitude for the mercy and grace God has extended to me through the painful times.

The victorious Christian life isn’t a once-for-all triumph that ends all our problems. It is a series of conflicts and victories as we defeat one enemy after another and claim more of our inheritance to the glory of God.’ Warren Wiersbe, Be Strong. The battle and the blessings are the hallmarks of the Christian faith. All our lives will be built with the stones of remembrance from challenging circumstances. Our stones will speak volumes whether we say a word about our experiences. One stone stacked upon another. What will they display? Will they display bitterness from a previous battle? Will they reveal a battle we are still not ready to lay down? Or will our stones cry out of how we were helpless but not hopeless because of God’s great presence during the suffering? Will the stones be stacked high boasting the blessings of God's delivery?

We live in a watching world full of searching and discontent hearts. Our lives as living stones represent Christ Jesus who is our cornerstone. All things build upon Him so why would we ever want to keep quiet about what He means to us?

And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.” 1 Peter 2:5

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