Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Clinging Cross

“…each of you take up a stone on his shoulder…that this may be a sign among you” Joshua 4:6.

One of the instructions from God to the Israelite's when crossing over the Jordan was for one man from each tribe to pause, pick up a stone from the riverbed and place it on their shoulder. It would be a future remembrance of how God carried them through the flooding waters of the Jordan and placed them securely on the banks of their Promised Land. God knew something then that He still knows now…humanity has a short memory once the crisis is over. He knows what power an object holds that forever ties us to an emotional experience. It is through that power that He builds our courage and faith for the next crossing.

I remember when my sister Beth was in her most intense season of suffering with her cancer, someone gave her the most powerful ‘stone.’ It is called The Clinging Cross and it is a cross that was shaped in the perfect clutch for a hand. If I close my eyes, I still remember seeing her small thin fingers gripping around it. Once she passed and I going through some of her things I came upon that little cross. The power I felt as I slowly wrapped my fingers around the cross where she had wrapped hers is in explainable. The very thing that brought her comfort as she was crossing over her Jordan brought me comfort as I was left behind on the other bank. Every season of suffering through which we live is not without gain. When I carry that ‘stone of remembrance on my shoulder’ I carry the knowledge and comfort that God was faithful then and He will be faithful again. ‘When you step into courageous living with God, that fearful thing you conquer today is the easy thing you’ll step over tomorrow.’ Ready – Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown, Heather M Dixon, p. 132.

I know that some of you are going through such terrible times right now. I know that things seem like they will never be resolved in your circumstances. I know the work it takes to believe that the waters of the flood won’t overtake us, but that God will calm the waters. If you want to feel brave today, just look back at yesterday and the way God brought you through that day. So, take up a stone…any stone…that reminds you that yesterday did not win and that today the cross will!

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