Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Little Bits of Light

“The LORD said to Samuel, ‘Fill your horn with oil, and go…’ And Samuel said, ‘How can I go?’ And the LORD said, ‘I will show you what you shall do.’” 1 Samuel 16:1-3.

This time last year we were getting ready to put our home at Folly up for sale.  We had been prayerful about this decision for the last year we owned it.  God was slowly taking it out of our hearts and urging us to return to our home in NC for good.  We could sense that God was getting ready to move us full-time to Charlotte, but He had not given us the ‘when.’  One morning Bruce determined that God had spoken to him, and the time was upon us.  When Bruce told me I had complete peace in my heart to move forward.  Within 12 weeks after we listed our home, I was following Bruce to Charlotte as he drove the moving truck.  We have never looked back and I still sit amazed that the God who created all that we see and experience spoke not only His will to us but the logistics of when and how!  Just like God’s incomplete instructions to Samuel, sometimes He only gives us a tiny glimpse of the picture.  ‘Go…’  One small little word that can take every bit of courage we can muster when dealing with our circumstances.

Go’ to the doctor… ‘Go’ to this town… ‘Go’ to that church… ‘Go’ to a mission field… ‘Go’ and forgive…the list goes on and on.  How many times do we respond as Samuel, ‘How can I go?’ Samuel understood that there seemed to be some holes in God’s plan, but despite the lack of vision he headed out and fully walked in what God was commanding.  ‘During so much of our walk with God, we feel blindfolded.  Certain seasons are poked with such random acts that we decide its all helter-skelter...From the very beginning, God geared the faith walk to be relational, not informational…We want to leap with God; He wants to walk with us.  Walking transpires step by step.  It demands patience.  Pacing.  God’s directional leading for our personal lives often unfurls in bits of light between shadows.’ Chasing Vines, Beth Moore, p. 139.

I don’t know about you, but I get impatient dealing with ‘bits of light between shadows.’  I love having a plan and I love considering the details of each plan!  But God loves fellowship over planning…God loves spontaneity over expectations…God loves watching us GO when only He knows where!  It takes courage for us to walk blindfolded with only God knowing where He is leading us.  He has given us His word to guide us with little bits of light as we walk out His perfect plan.   All He requires of us is the courage to move!

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

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