Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Taking Our Land

Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.” Numbers 13:30 “We are not able to go up against…for they are stronger than we are.” Numbers 13:31
Have you ever noticed how some challenges seem surmountable while other challenges seem impossible? The children of Israel were standing on the verge of their Promised Land. They had been promised by God that they would lay claim to the land of Canaan as their inheritance. A group of men were sent into the land to spy on its inhabitants and better understand the fertile goodness of the land. When the men returned only two of them reported back in optimism, confidence and perspective of what they expected to happen… ‘Let us go…and overcome.’ The rest of the men reported their fearful perspective of what wasn’t going to happen… ‘We are not able…they are stronger.’ In the end the ones who lived in fear missed out on the blessing of God’s best and died without ever experiencing their inheritance. For the other two men who believed what God had promised, they received the blessings of abundance in the triumphal transaction of God’s best.
When we drift away from God, we lose perspective in His power and ability to conquer any land and circumstances to which God has brought us. We focus on the negative details of our situation instead of the confident promises of God. When we don’t spend time in the word, we read our circumstances through dark-colored glasses. When we don’t spend time in fellowship and prayer with God, we begin listening to swelling drumbeat of our fears instead of our faith. I have displayed both these attitudes in the past while standing at new borders of land where God has called me. With some, all I could see were the big giants that loomed over the land while other times, when I was more connected with the Spirit, I could see hope on the horizon.
We all have the opportunities to walk in faith or stand in fear. It is God’s desire that in every single situation that flows into our lives we will take Him at His word, and not deny Him the pleasure of bringing His best to us. No matter how big your giant is this morning don't believe the reports your fear is telling you. Go and occupy the land in this season that God has given you and you will overcome.
"Let us go! Let us occupy! Let us overcome!"

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