Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Crashing Tide

"And God knew." Exodus 2:25

When my sister Beth was a little girl she had a battle cry that used to always drive me crazy because I had no response to it. When she felt she was being unjustly accused of something, she would yell, 'God knows!' We still occasionally say those words to each other laughing about her proclamations. She knew as a child what we need to know as adults.

I don’t know about you, but this short verse with three words crashes over me like a tidal wave, but a good tidal wave. Every single detail of each day lived out is known fully by God, patiently allowed by God and meticulously orchestrated by God. Even sin and sickness are used by God in the divine plan for us all to receive His best for our lives. In the past, when life interrupted my peace with circumstances outside my control, I wish I would have considered this tiny phrase with enormous truth…and God knew. He knew Bruce and I would fall in love, and walk out a life of ebbs and flows, heartbreaks and celebrations.  He knew exactly how many days our child would walk in darkness before He snatched her out of that life. He knew how He was going to provide when we were in an employment drought.   He knew every single day that my dad and sister would walk on the ground of this earth.  He knew as Mother said goodbye to Daddy, that eight years later Ben would say ‘I do’ to Mother. ‘And God knew.

What are you facing this morning? What outcome has not yet been revealed? I would guess that many of us can be comforted by these words today. God knows when that job is coming…God knows the outcome of that test…God knows what has been done to you…God knows the day your prayer will be answered…God knows how that relationship will be reconciled…God knows the day you will find love...And God knows the day we will be called home. What better words can be spoken over us as we walk out our days on this earth? Not only does He know all things, but He has a heart to share them with us in His time. God knows that when He transplants us into new pastures, we grow in Him. He knows the fruit we will display as a result of the faith taking deeper roots for greater testimonies. ‘Transplanting, like growing, takes time. Time to get used to new soil, new rain patterns, new climate…When we’re transplanted, we know that the master Gardener has put us in our new place for a purpose. He understands the conditions we’ve experienced before and the new ones we’re facing now.’ Chasing Vines Bible Study, Beth Moore, p. 16.

Whatever war might be raging in your mind creating anxiety, fear or concern take comfort in the words, ‘And God knew.’

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