Monday, February 3, 2020

Our Defining Moment

Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’” Luke 23:42

As all of you are aware last night was the final game of the NFL season…the Super Bowl. I am a huge professional football fan and unlike other years was very excited to watch these two teams. I’m not really sure why but I wanted the San Francisco 49ers to triumph. They played such a disciplined and focused game for 3 of the 4 quarters and had the lead for the majority of the game. The Chiefs looked disengaged at best and sometimes even lethargic at worse compared to their year of dominance. But as the reality of the amazing talent of the Chiefs began to emerge in the final 4 minutes of the game, I felt irritation and frustration rising. It drives me crazy when in any sport the team that holds fast and strong for the majority of the event suddenly loses for a last-minute surge. I didn’t even watch the last minute of the game, but instead went and washed my face for bed.

This morning when I awakened, I started thinking about last night’s frustration and realized how even the Bible reflects the joy of a come-from-behind win! As the criminal hung on the cross beside Jesus in his ebbing moments, he threw a ‘hail Mary.’ It would be his defining moment as Jesus’ death gave him the eternal win. “And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43.

I have walked through seasons in my life where I was so disengaged with the things of God. I would ‘march down the field’ with my team on Sundays with my Bible tucked securely in my arm. But then the rest of the week was a lethargic stroll down the field distracted by things to my left and to my right. I was so thankful when God pulled me a little closer and took me a little deeper to know His heart. I’m so thankful that Christ gives me the same win as those with the longest years of faith…those with the most obedient hearts…those with the greatest sacrifice. Wherever we are on the spectrum as believers doesn’t determine our future in eternity. As believers we are all equal as co-heirs in the God’s family. We all have been guaranteed the biggest come-from-behind win ever!

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