Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A Better Way

 Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing.” 1 Peter 3:8-9


We have all had seasons in our lives when we have been discouraged, deflated and disappointed.  Many times, it suddenly appears through a tough set of circumstances.  Other times, it comes at the hands of someone with whom we have a close relationship. I believe those are the most difficult to reconcile because they are attached to our heart.  


We only have to look as far as the cross to fully understand what it means to adhere to this command.  The Trinity, ‘one mind’ tells us to make attempts to feel sympathy for others.  One mind tells us that as believers we are brothers and sisters through the cross of Christ.  One mind desires our hearts to be tender and humble towards everyone.  One mind, Christ Jesus, showed us how to repay evil with blessings by becoming sin for us and paying our price in spite of us.  God has called each of us to give life speaking words to another who insults us.  He promises us that when we pay back with blessings, we will inherit His.  We cannot do this in our strength and neither did Christ on the cross.  God applied His strength to Jesus to forgive those who placed Him there.  God applied His forgiveness to all of us who should have been on the cross.  God applied His power to raise His Son blessing us with an inheritance through Christ’s work on the cross…grace by our association with Christ.  


To love each other is to look to the cross.  To have compassion with each other is to look at the criminal next to the cross.  To have forgiveness for all is to look at the empty cross.  Maybe to attain the blessing of this passage is to look through the eyes of Jesus.  He affirmed the value of every life He came upon, friend or foe.  He took the time to look beyond the behavior, and recognized their brokenness.  He repaid insult with grace and evil with mercy which is our ongoing blessings from Him.  So why shouldn’t we?


Christ Jesus, forgive us when we insult others for you showed us a better way.  Forgive us when we fail to love in the manner you call us to love.  Help us repay discouragement with your grace and help us to see the value you placed in every one of us as we walk out our journeys.  In your great love, amen!”

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