Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Our Crown of Gray

 O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.” Psalm 71:18

Since the beginning of creation, humanity has been marked by the turn of seasons, both literally and figuratively. The Bible is a library of God-inspired writings by His people who documented certain seasons in their lives. Throughout the Bible we discover that many times the calling on the lives of God’s children have been in the sunset years. In considering the life of the prophet Haggai, we are introduced to him later in life. He didn’t begin his ministry of prophecy until his early 70’s most likely when God called him to deliver four messages to His people. Most likely Haggai as a young boy witnessed an overtaking of his community, his church, and his life. Along with most of the people in his land, he would have been carried off to Babylon as a prisoner and lived the majority of his life as a refugee. That would have been the longest season in his life. As the Book of Haggai opens up, so does a new season…a season of rebuilding…of restoring…of reconciling disrupted things. God raised him up in his ebbing years for a specific time and a special mission.
Praise God, that seasons come and season go! We as God's people have also had our land invaded by an enemy, throwing our lives into disarray and anxiety. This season feels like it has been upon us for many years, although the calendar shows only 7 months. Some of us are experiencing these tough times as children, while others are walking it out crowned with gray hair. Either way, we all have a story to share just like the people of the Bible. God has been with each of us since He breathed life into us and has taught us things through every season. The work of His hands has been faithful and wondrous! Through all of our seasons we can testify to His strength that carried us through them. We have a watching generation for whom we are responsible to share the stories of God’s involvement in, and delivery from those tough seasons. ‘Every season of life represents the end of an era and the start of something new…You are a part of what God is doing and wants to do in our world. Be encouraged that you are never too young or too old for kingdom work. You can embrace any season of life with purpose!’ Take Courage, Jennifer Rothschild, p. 15-16

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