Thursday, October 29, 2020

Snap, Crackle and Pop

So the LORD stirred up the spirit…of the people…and they worked…” Haggai 1:14

I LOVE a bonfire! Many years ago, before our community exploded into houses upon houses and bumper to bumper traffic, this area was mainly farmland with huge tracts of land owned by families for generations. Sitting in the middle of our property still seems like the old days until we have to get out of our road to go anywhere. Over the years, we have built pretty big bonfires and many nights sat there with red cheeks watching the flames dance. As the night went on the fire retreated and in the middle were glowing orange embers begging for attention. We would suddenly notice the embers when we would begin to feel the chill. Bruce would take a big stick and stir the embers up, bringing them back to life and would throw more wood on the fire. I can still hear the snap and pop of the fire when it was stirred.
I recalled this image today while reading our short little verse. Scripture draws a snapshot of what can be accomplished when God stirs up the Spirit placed inside of us as believers. Phrases for ‘stirring up’ are to awaken…to rouse…to incite…to ignite. God never intended on us looking to our own energies to serve…to build…to plant. ‘Divine initiative called for human response…Human energy could never accomplish the work of God, yet God did not accomplish his purposes without it. The two functioned in perfect harmony, and people cooperated with and contributed to what God did in them and in the world.’ Dr. Richard Melick, Take Courage, Jennifer Rothschild, p.107.
It is not by our strength or abilities that anything is accomplished in us, rather by God’s Spirit as Zechariah 4:6 states. God places His spirit in us and then He gifts us with talents, strength and service. ‘You give Him your grit; He gives you His grace! So how do we live stirred up by God’s Spirit every day? God’s Word. If you want to be stirred up you need to be raised up!’ p. 108. I’m so thankful that God brought to mind those small embers from yesteryear to remind me of the state of my heart when I fail to get in His word. When I begin to 'feel the chill' I know that my heart needs to be stirred up again. By camping out beside the beautiful gold-trimmed pages of the Bible, the embers are stirred and hope and power once again begin to crackle and pop…the flame rises…the warmth returns.
Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ 2 Timothy 1:6-7

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