Friday, October 9, 2020

Rings of Honor

 “‘I will take you…and make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Haggai 2:23

One of the most exciting times as a teenager was when a boy asked me to be his girlfriend in high school. It was more exciting in high school than any other time because sometimes it accompanied wearing his high school ring. I can still remember dripping hot wax in the ring as it sat upside down on the counter so it would fit better. It was big and bulky on my finger which made it seem even grander! It was a symbol that I belonged to someone, was loved, and chosen. Even now I wear a symbolic ring…my wedding ring…that is an outward sign of my inward love of Bruce.
In Old Testament times kings wore a signet ring along with their royal garb. ‘Signet rings affirmed authority, honor, or ownership. Every signet ring had an emblem that was unique to the king who wore it.Take Courage, Jennifer Rothschild, p.26. As believers, God has lured us into His love…taken us as His own…and has chosen us for eternity. He has placed His unique emblem of purpose upon all of our lives. His authority over us gives us authority through grace. Through God choosing us we are exalted in His power, and can walk confidently in His plan. ‘God’s plan isn’t uncertain or incomplete just because your future or project is…He has authority over your project [or situation] in every season, so don’t get discouraged by the process,’ p.27.
Just as my boyfriend’s high school ring adorned my finger, we will be adornments of God when we seek Him and grow in Him. We are His signet rings showing to whom we belong…to whom we love. When we accepted Christ as our Savior, we were stamped in honor and ownership into God's family. May we wear our emblem boldly and beautifully as we relish in the blessing of belonging to the King.

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