Monday, October 26, 2020

Precious Echoes

 King Cyrus also brought out the articles of the house of the LORD, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken…” Ezra 1:7

When the refugees were released by the edict of King Cyrus, they were free to return to their homeland of Jerusalem. That alone would have been enough to sooth any broken heart and turn their sadness to joy. But the king encouraged them further by returning lost items previously belonging to the temple and stolen by Nebuchadnezzar 70 years earlier. ‘The vessels represented Judah’s history and identity. They represented precious memories and reminded the people of God’s presence and their sweet communion with Him. Tokens from our past can serve as reminders of God’s presence and faithfulness.Take Courage, Jennifer Rothschild, p. 83.

When I read this today, I was reminded of a small inexpensive bracelet that Bruce surprised me with for Christmas when we were dating. He provided a list of clues which eventually led me to his parent’s basement. I loved that bracelet and wore it all the time. A couple of years later it went missing and remained that way for many years. One day, when we were putting together our new bed, I discovered the long-lost bracelet under the old mattress. I was elated that it was recovered and have worn it ever since. When my oldest daughter saw it on my wrist, she was so excited to remember the bracelet because it reminded her of her childhood. We both had precious memories from that time…that bracelet…that life. I was so grateful that God returned what was lost that represented a sweet relationship…a simple time…a divine reminder of a beautiful blessing given by God.

All of us have lost much greater things than a small bracelet…the loss of a loved one…the loss of a job…the loss of a relationship…the loss of normalcy and peace. Whatever it is for you, God has not forgotten your pain. If God can return a 30-year-old bracelet He can return anything or anyone who was taken from us. If God can restore my joy of a lost piece of jewelry, just imagine when He restores our joy as we are reunited with our loved ones in Heaven. Until then, our memories will be our echoes of precious past blessings and God's promise will be our hope for all things lost to be recovered.

God chooses relatable, material things to help us learn, understand, and remember who He is and what He’s done in our lives…They are reminders, pointing us to the One who does have all power…On those days when you’re weary in well doing…look on that precious thing and remember who God is and remind yourself who you are…a person who doesn’t quit, always trusts, and walks with courage!’ p. 85

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