Friday, November 27, 2020

All Things Multiplied

 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature…” 2 Peter 1:2-4

As my preacher likes to state, the Bible is not a book but rather a library containing 66 books written in different formats…poetry…history...songs…biographies to name a few. This morning as I read the above passage written by Peter, I found my mind reading over most of these words instead of being the recipient of them. However, these words are too beautiful to not break down what it means for you and me as God's children.

As I read the word ‘partaker’ I was struck with yesterday’s Thanksgiving meal. The word partake means to participate in…join in…be a part of…to share along with. I sat at the table with my precious family and enjoyed culinary item after item until I was stuffed! In the same way, I love this image of feasting on and participating in God’s divine nature until we are full. Sometimes when a passage of Scripture seems to be above my head, I will write it making it first person and in a style I can better understand. With the fresh Thanksgiving meal on my mind from yesterday, and the fresh application of today’s Word I decided to write my own expression into a prayer from our passage.

Dear Father, You have given to me through Your divine power all the things that pertain to my life and my pursuit of godliness. I don’t join in through my own virtue and glory but only through knowing You and the ways You have called me. The precious promises that You have uniquely given me are tucked in my heart. They are indeed wonderful and undeserving by my own deeds or words. They exceed anything You have ever promised me and through Your divine power You allow me to partake…to receive…to participate as You assign and will for my life. Through your multiplied grace and peace, I am blessed beyond imagination. Amen.

Being a partaker of the divine means peeking into heaven while we are still on earth. Being a partaker of the divine means filling up on the promises and privileges from God. Being a partaker means joining in on the spiritual things instead of the worldly things. I’m so grateful that Peter reminds us of our position in Christ. One of our greatest Thanksgiving blessings!

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