Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Heart of Advent

 "As followers of Christ, we are a people living between two advents: the coming of Jesus as a baby in Bethlehem and His future triumphant return as the King of kings. Since the fourth century, believers across the globe have observed Advent to remember Jesus’s birth and anticipate His return." Advent 2020 – Jesus Christ is Born, She Reads Truth, p.16

The other day I received a text from one of my precious friends telling me that she had left something for me on my porch. I was so touched when I discovered that she had bought me this Bible Study for the next 4 weeks wanting us to celebrate Advent together. What better way to lead up to celebrating Jesus as a little baby than remembering what He did for us as Savior. As believer’s we have the Word to read about the First Advent, that season of Jesus’s life when He came to fulfill the Old Testament prophesies and promises. He was the answer to the prayers of several generations who were anticipating the promised Messiah.

As believer’s we have the Christ-given authority to anticipate the Second Advent, the promised return of Jesus. One day in the future He will return, ushering in the fullness of His kingdom. ‘On that future day, every tear will be wiped away; there will be no more pain, grief, or death. All things will be made new, all that is wrong will be made right, and the eternal dwelling place of God will be with His people.’ p. 16

And that is our HOPE which is the first candle we light today in celebration leading up to peering into the manger to get a first glimpse at baby Jesus in December. Take some time this week and celebrate the things you are hopeful for in 2021. For me,

Because of HOPE:
I have a guaranteed room in Heaven walking with Jesus.
I will see my departed loved ones again one day and never be without them ever again.
I will experience God’s fulfilled promise of a deep desire hidden in my heart.
I will walk in joy apart from any challenging circumstances in 2021.

Welcome to the first week of Advent where HOPE will take center stage in the story of our lives.

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