Wednesday, November 18, 2020

At the Base of the Hill

 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

A few weeks ago, I went hiking in the woods with a dear friend but I had to have two important things for the hike. She loaned me a bright orange vest that would alert hunters of my presence. She loaned me a long sturdy staff to make the incline easier by allowing it to bear some of my weight. The stick also was to tap on the path to alert snakes that intruders might be approaching. We had a great time and my friend made it funny, entertaining and enlightening. From the base of the hill to the top, she would stop and point out things along the path. She would answer any questions I had regarding that area. We wouldn’t continue the hike until she had told me everything that she wanted me to know.
This morning welcome to The Quest, my new Bible Study by Beth Moore. It is about engaging in dialogue with God instead of just experiencing life as a spectator…a bystander…an onlooker. God calls us to do more than just sight-seeing during our journey on earth. His desire is for us to arrive at a stop and linger with Him…hike the hills of that area…ask questions in search of His answers. There are precious artifacts to unearth on whatever path to which He has brought us. He has provided us with what we need for the journey just like my friend provided me. He has considered the path ahead of the hike that He desires to walk with us. He has things He wants to share with us for our greater understanding. He is no hurry and longs for us to ask our questions regarding our surroundings. Asking is a form of intimacy and worship.
Throughout the Bible God has been asking His children questions of His own to bring them into fellowship. We must ready ourselves for the hike by using God’s word as our staff which we will lean on for truth. We must use His spirit to reflect the warnings of danger on our journey. And above all, we must linger with the Lover of our soul and ask the questions so He can answer…seek His heart so we can find what we need…knock on the door of trust so we can discovery. It’s going to be a great adventure!

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