Thursday, November 12, 2020

From Mess to Message

 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to town and said to the people, ‘Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did’… They came out of the town and made their way toward him. Many of the Samaritans…believed in him because of the woman’s testimony…” John 4:28-30, 39.

I just love the story from the Bible of Jesus and the woman at the well. Her story eerily echoes my story of bad choices…wrong priorities…flawed thinking. We can assume that this woman was possibly in the mid-season of her life since she had already had five husbands and was involved with another man. Her life had been filled with chasing the approval and acceptance of men. Her heart revealed misplaced priorities and futile pursuits of love. Day after day she placed that empty water jug on her head and walked to the well. Little did she know her heart was as empty as the pottery she usually temporarily filled. But instead of filling her jar that day, she met a man who filled her heart and changed her life…His name was Jesus.
But the next part of the story is seldom highlighted when considering her interaction with Jesus. It is the story of a woman whose life was radically transformed giving her hope and a new direction. It is a story of a person who interacted with a Savior and couldn’t keep quiet about it. It is a testimony that had to be told to everyone back in her town resulting in new believers. We must remember that most likely she was shunned by her community because of all her past failures. The very people who had judged her were the very people she courageously shared the good news of Jesus with.
It will require boldness to point others to God. It will require a listening ear as others may question our knowledge of Jesus. Since the Garden of Eden our experiences with God matter and should be shared with others for their benefit. God has given us a spirit of courage and power, not a spirit of fear and cowardliness. When we witness about the transforming love of God, our messes will turn into our messages and God’s work will be displayed through our lives inviting all to Him.

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