Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Lamb Among Many

“And He called the twelve to Himself, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power…” Mark 6:7

I never really considered the different friendships that evolved within the 12 disciples. I always saw them and a unit with Jesus as their teacher. But this morning, there is a fresh snapshot to an old picture. I guess I considered Jesus and the disciples more of a classroom setting, with the followers sitting in desks raising their hands to speak. As I peek into the window of the gathering, I guess I have always pictured Jesus standing up front directing the conversation. But today I am blessed digging more deeply into the group who seemed to always be hanging out. When Jesus sent out the disciples, did they get a say in who they would be partnered with? Did He put the pairs together with those who got along the best? Jesus fully understood the dynamics within the little group but He modeled one of the greatest blessings He intended us to follow even today…companionship…fellowship…community.
I only have to look at my little group to understand the fruit that is ripened through relationships and friends. We have all been given the gift of intimacy with others, some in our past and some who have been the steady beat of our heart throughout our lives. Our circle of family and friends are not just happenstance, rather a calculated gathering by God for our benefit. Some relationships are given to us as pure blessings, while others are given to us to help develop areas of growth we lack. Just like the disciples probably experienced, relationships offer a full array of emotions like pure joy and happiness. But they can also offer the complex hidden feelings of insecurity, jealousy and longing for approval. But Jesus taught the disciples the important part of the any group or relationship…keeping Christ at the center.
I’m so fortunate to be a part of the ‘gathering of misfits’ to whom God has assigned me. We are far from perfect but we all love each other and more importantly love Christ with all our hearts. We laugh together, we cry together and we pray together. Sometimes ‘these two’ gather, while other times ‘those two’ gather but we are always together in spirit. I read something this morning that describes the treasure that is ours in the friends or family with whom God has assigned us. I pray that each of you has someone who comes to mind when you read this, and if no one does pray to God that He will provide you with the fellowship of companionship.
Isolation is not God’s way. We are the body of Christ and must somehow reattach to each other in this life. When times are tough and you’re about to give up, your [people] tell you to keep going. When you feel unwelcomed and unsuccessful, somebody’s next to you shaking the same dust off his road-weary feet. When you don’t have a dime, you still have a friend. When you don’t have the faith to get back on the path, someone can help you up with a handful of hers. A fellow believer who can make you laugh helps you bear your seasons of tears. You are not meant to pasture as one lone lamb.’ The Quest, Beth Moore, p. 116.
Whether it is your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your friends or your children they are all precious gifts from God. I cannot imagine my life without any one of them being by my side.

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