Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Ribbon of Hope

 “…and this hope does not disappoint us, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” Romans 5:5

Like many of you, Thanksgiving probably looked a lot different this year. Oh sure…we tried to make the best of it as people who could have easily lost sight of reasons to be thankful in 2020. Bruce and I made the decision to host only our immediate family this year instead of hosting our usual gaggle of 32 people which boasts 4 generations. Thanksgiving was sort of quiet…different…tame. It didn’t come in with a roar of the front door dinging every 5 minutes and people talking over each other trying to get a story heard. The countertops had areas where nothing sat since there was only food prepared for 9 people. Bruce wasn’t chasing the toddlers around the house creating shrills and screams like usual. Last of all, we weren’t trying to corral 32 people to capture one shot. And just as quietly as Thanksgiving arrived, it departed with the same lack of fanfare. But at the end of the day, my heart had the same response as every other year…deep gratitude for what was...was it...what will be.

Gratitude is the kindling for HOPE. Gratitude stacks relational ‘firewood’ in a design that positions itself to boost the flickers into flame. Even the glowing embers remind our hearts that while gathering is our joy, the number of those gathered isn’t the point. The point is that God has brought people into our lives as blessings apart from circumstances. Just because Daddy and Beth are no longer around our little campfire doesn’t make my gratitude any less. If anything, it boosts my gratitude with HOPE for the ultimate Thanksgiving and Christmas one day in heaven. When we use gratitude as an accelerant, we have HOPE as we picture the future fires of fellowship in 2021.

My girls came over yesterday and helped me and Bruce put up our Christmas tree. Last night, I was reminded that Christmas will be the same small group this year that we just experienced. And strangely my heart was warmed with a glimpse of Christmases past and confident HOPE that they will return next year. Because around our Christmas tree, precious memories are awakened in my thoughts of years past. Our tree is the constant Christmas reminder that God has brought loved ones into our lives and allowed us to watch their pilgrimage home. Our tree has watched little ones grow and older people age. It has been surrounded by teenagers who have now become parents and parents who have now become grandparents. Memories are our ornaments that decorate our tree, and HOPE is the ribbon that drapes itself across its branches. We have so much to be grateful for across the landscape of our lives and these awesome memories provide HOPE like no other gift.

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