Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Spirit of Christmas Present

 "He [she] was conscious of a thousand odors floating in the air, each one connected with a thousand thoughts, and hopes, and joys, and cares, long, long forgotten." A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens.

This morning as I sat in my kitchen nook rocking in my glider by the light of the Christmas tree, I began considering that I have celebrated Christmas down in that area for more years than what I have left before me. My heart and my mind grabbed hands as companions and led me into my own Christmas Carol story. In thinking back to Christmases past I see a snapshot of a little blonde-haired and brown-eyed girl sneaking down the stairs and seeing the illuminating light of our Christmas tree shooting through the louvre doors of our living room. Would they creak if I pushed on them alerting my parents that I was doing the unthinkable? (Not waiting on the family before I saw the wonder of Christmas and what Santa brought us.). My heart racing…my eyes squinting through the crack of where the doors met. In seeing that snapshot in time my heart is joyful remembering that within part of my story lives those precious moments where the greatest gifts weren’t under the tree but within those walls.

I look down again towards my tree and consider the 35 Christmases celebrated in that room and again I am humbled. Some years had baby highchairs around the Christmas table, while others years had booster seats. Some years our little children had to wait on us to arise, while others years we had to awaken our teens to begin the day. The eyes of my heart picture my sister Beth, sitting at the table the last year of her life, with Daddy reading the Christmas story to four generations a year and a half before he died. I found myself smiling among the tears and I’m thankful that the sadness of empty chairs translates into the love of full hearts.

My mind races to our present Christmas and what a year that surrounds it! Christmas looks a bit different this year…significantly smaller…assuredly quieter. Part of our immediately family will not be able to join us but thanks to the virtual world we will still open gifts together. I realize that all of these past Christmases have woven a beautiful tapestry of God’s blessings throughout my life.

With all the joys that I have received in the past and all the joys that I presently have this Christmas I sit humbled and grateful that each experience happy or sad has been a part of a wonderful Christmas Carol of my own. And as I bid farewell on Friday to the ghost of Christmas Present, I look forward to visiting with the Spirit of Christmas Future. I can fully trust Him up ahead because of where He has brought me.

It is because of the joy and love from those in our Christmas Past that we can find joy in our Christmas Present. They were with us for the days that God assigned them and we will one day be with them again forever! That is a Christmas Present that is both guaranteed and eternal.

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens.

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